On average, every person in his immediate circle has at least one close person who has problems with mental health and who needs the help of a specialist.

They may often require support and direction due to their age, capacity and illness.

Our specialists can advise you and your loved ones on both mental health issues and more specific treatment. We advise both teenagers (from 16 years old), adults and older people. We consult children (under 16 years old) with the consent and presence of their parents. We also provide clinical assessments for children’s mental health problems such as neurodevelopmental disorders, autism, attention deficit disorder, behavioral disorders, specific learning disabilities and emotional disorders.

If necessary, we will prepare an assessment report that can be provided to help you apply for the appropriate benefit or support service.

At DocuMental Online Clinic you can conveniently receive help from a psychiatrist via video call. All you need is a smart device or computer (laptop) with a camera and microphone connected to the Internet. Once you make an appointment here, we will send you a link to the video call. Please help your child, senior or loved one start a video call and be prepared to participate in the video call if necessary.